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Da Gate Spiritual Community

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What are the things you look for in a relationship?

Sep 14, 2022

The first ingredient is trust.. If we don't have it then what's the point right? Then see if we of the same tribe.. Meaning are we vibrational together daily for a healthy long lasting? Make sure we are balanced together with no unresolved traumatic stress disorder to living for drama and chaotic lifestyles, no walking with hatred and jealously toward anyone.. Making sure it's no mental and physical abuse acts going on with trigger.. Mutual respect for all people and their thoughts..don't take this human experience so seriously day to day.. Enjoy life to the fullest with no fear running things while looking forward toward the best experiences only with positive energy only.. Not asking to be perfect but be real at all times while we treat each other as equals in our human experience here. . I'm a long hours talker so get ready to be falling asleep sometimes as I get super deep time to time sharing decades and decades of experiences.

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